Tax Refund Application

Important Information

My Refund is an independent tax agent and is not Inland Revenue (IRD). The New Zealand tax year runs from 1 April to 31 March, with tax returns available for assessment from late May through to July.

By completing this form, you authorise My Refund to act as your tax agent and manage your tax returns on your behalf. Fees apply when using our service—please review our Terms & Conditions for full details.

To ensure we can keep you updated on important tax matters, please keep your contact information up to date with us.

In any of the last 5 years have you

Select your additional source(s) of income. Supporting documentation may be requested.

Alternatively, send copies of your receipts to or post a copy into My Refund.

PO Box 6490
Christchurch, 8442

Working for Families details may be requested.
( Departure )
( Arrival )

Donations made to school or kindergarten's general fund, religious organisations and charitable organisations are entitled to a tax credit claim, only if you can provide receipts.

Alternatively, send copies of your receipts to or post a copy into My Refund.

PO Box 6490
Christchurch, 8442

Identity verification

Confirm name on application is same as on licence.

New zealand driver licence circled

Bank Account

Use ONLY a New Zealand Bank Account Number.
Provide the Correct Bank Account Holder Name
New Zealand’s new Confirmation of Payee service will verify that account names match account details. Incorrect information could delay your refund. Please ensure accuracy for a smooth process.

Legal Requirements

Note : Please sign below confirming you have read and understood Terms and Conditions.
Click on Finalize after you draw your siganture.

Clear | Finalize Signature is Required
( We'll save [] as your signature. Please make sure you are seeing it here. )